Celebrating Breast Cancer Survivors: Fighting the Good Fight | Juzo USA
October 2018

Celebrating Breast Cancer Survivors: Fighting the Good Fight

Holly Cline, Freelance Writer

Juzo is always in your corner to help fight lymphedema, and this October we're celebrating those battling breast cancer and survivors who continue to fight the good fight. Here are just a few of those we find truly inspiring. Visit our Facebook page to learn more about them and see photos of them living life to the fullest.

The World Traveler
Donna Curry is 62 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of 2003. She had a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation, and is now cancer free! She developed lymphedema about four years ago and began wearing Juzo sleeves. What keeps her fighting?

“Following my ordeal with cancer, I realized that life is so very short, and I decided I would make the most of the life I have. Crazily enough, my life is way better since cancer. You appreciate things more and don’t take things for granted. I also got the travel bug and love to go! I wear my Juzo sleeves religiously to keep my swelling in check. And they are pretty! People can’t tell if they are medical sleeves or a fashion statement.”

In addition to Juzo, Donna’s corner includes her husband, children, sisters, parents and friends who supported her through the battle, along with her wonderful doctors, nurses and therapists who helped her be able to continue living her best life.

The Fighter
Sally Bailey is a two-time survivor and true fighter. She had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed after breast cancer recurred in 2017. At 76, she also had chemo treatments. On the day of her third treatment, Sally had a heart attack, which required surgery. After 12 days in the hospital, she recovered at her daughter’s home, under the wonderful care of her “girls” (two daughters and four granddaughters). Earlier this year, she began 30 treatments of proton therapy and physical therapy for her lymphedema – that’s when she learned about Juzo.

“There is such a difference with Juzo products. My first sleeve and gauntlet were uncomfortable, mainly because of the seams. The Juzo garments are so comfortable, all day, every day. I told my physical therapist to tell others about Juzo because I know their products will make others’ lives better – like they did for me.”

Despite battling breast cancer, surviving a heart attack and managing lymphedema, Sally’s will to keep fighting has never waivered – nor has her spirit.

“I love life, and I love people. I feel so blessed to have such a loving family and friends. My family has been wonderful and keeps the road hot between Lake City (their home) and Fernandina Beach (my home) checking on me. My friends signed up for days to take me to my proton therapy treatments. I don’t know what I would have done without them. And, I have a wonderful friend and neighbor who comes over every morning to help me put on my sleeve – she’s my angel!”

Sally also credits her care team of doctors, nurses and physical therapists for providing her with the best possible care. When she ran into the cardiologist who performed her surgery after the heart attack, she said, “Here comes the man who saved my life.” His reply, “I didn’t save your life. God did.”

The Pilates Queen
Terri Krause was diagnosed in March 2014, following by lymphedema seven months later. At age 65, she keeps fighting through exercise, especially Pilates, and with the support of her family. “I feel so much better when I move,” she says.

Who’s in her corner?

“My husband, Paul, first and foremost, but my daughters, grandkids and Pilates community has been so supportive. I am very open about my lymphedema and have shared the information with classmates, but I have to admit, sometimes their eyes glaze over because they have heard of cancer but not lymphedema.”

Read more about how Pilates has helped Terri manage her lymphedema.

The Doctor
Sheri Y. Prentiss has a long list of credentials that follow her name, including, MD, MPH, CPS/A, CPE, and FACPE. She’s also a survivor. The 50 (and FABULOUS) year old was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and lymphedema in 2010.

In addition to helping others through her non-profit, LIVE-Today Foundation, Inc, Dr. Sheri teamed up with Juzo in 2017 to help spread awareness of how compression therapy helps those with lymphedema. She credits Juzo sleeves with helping keep her healthy, allowing her to maintain function in her right upper extremity and improving her quality of life.

“The fashionable colors allow me to maintain my DivaMD sassiness,” she says.

Her corner includes her dad, which is her number one fan, her husband, her sister, two brothers, “bestie” of 38 years, two daughters and a host of friends who remind her daily that she is loved, valued and needed. What motivates her fight?

“My faith in God and in knowing that He has a purpose for my life – to LIVE; Love myself and others; Inspire those around me; Voice my dreams and ambitions; and Enjoy life! Living is something that I do everyday in many different ways.”

Dr. Sheri shared more of her story with us last October in her blog post.

Lindsey commented on Nov 05, 2018

Thank you for sharing your stories.


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