An Advocate’s Journey and Reflection | Juzo USA
December 2021

An Advocate’s Journey and Reflection

Vernonica Seneriz, Juzo Champion

My passion for lymphedema patient advocacy, empowerment, education and awareness (with a vision to build a community) developed more than six years ago. Juzo was among the first to recognize and share that vision. The synergy we created over the years is almost impossible for me to encapsulate into words and has left me with cherished memories.

I have third generation Lymphedema Distichiasis Syndrome. It is in both legs and affects my eyes. My journey to advocacy started with a small blog and Facebook group that grew into a global patient support and advocacy community with patients, caregivers, clinicians and industry partners. Back then, I felt like me and my family were all alone battling this disorder. Today I know I am part of an army of people that will die on this hill trying change things for the better, one day at a time—sometimes in the face of great adversity and constraints—so others will not have to suffer the same.

Today I have hope, and I want to share that hope far and wide.

There’s a saying that family is the people you are born with and then there is the family you make along the way. I love my lymphatic work family. The Juzo family supported my vision to empower patients through the #MoveThatLymph Challenge Series program. To date, we have hosted 37 challenges with more than 600 participants from 15 countries and have given away more than 100 compression garments. Exactly a year ago, the LymphieStrong community reached membership from 100 countries and the blog has now reached 170 counties worldwide. This success is proof to me that patients can accomplish anything. Many have shared incredible testimonials, and nothing makes us happier than seeing our members succeed, especially during a global pandemic.

My innate desire to help others eventually led to my switching careers and becoming a national lymphedema advocate full time. I want to thank Juzo for their mentorship in this space. I am firmly convinced that we are at the tipping point of a major focus in healthcare for lymphology in the future. Just a few years ago, a human brain scan showed lymphatic vessels once thought not to exist. The science is catching up to what my family has personally endured for more than a century. Each day, we move the needle a little further towards progress.

At times, our calling drops into our laps—as if by accident. I am an example that whatever you are going through, your trials and tribulations can become your triumph. I ask one thing of all reading this right now. Use your talents and strengths to move your lymphatic mess into a message of inspiration. Transform your pain into your power. I encourage all to get involved with advocacy and never ever give up hope.

Meet other members of the extended Juzo family who, like Veronica, are beating the odds, thanks to compression, and encouraging others. Visit the Juzo Champions page online. To learn more about Juzo’s advocacy efforts and programs we support, follow us on Instagram, @JuzoCompression, and Facebook.


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